Hi! I’m trying to sweep two surfaces along a curve, can anyone help me how to do this
I used sweep 1 right now but its not working well
First - please post a file, it’s impossible to diagnose your problem from your images alone.
Second - this looks like a Grasshopper preview. If this is a Grasshopper question, please put it in the Grasshopper category.
Third - Sweep1 can sweep curves, but not surfaces.
Hey, here is the file I used, okay thankyou for the reminder
RHINO.3dm (214.4 KB)
GH FILE.gh (12.3 KB)
Hey everyone, I’ve been trying to extrude a surface along curve to another surface but it’s not working well. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you very much!
GH FILE.gh (12.3 KB)
RHINO.3dm (214.4 KB)