SVG export plugin

I updated my plugin to export Curves, points, brep, … to svg. I will be happy to have some feedback. I modified some of the logic in order to be like PDF export or print.


Hi @laurent_delrieu are you still looking for feedback? :slight_smile:

I was just playing with modifying SVG Icons from Rhino WIP, and your plugin looks helpful to export SVG files. As far as I know, it works the same in Rhino WIP and Rhino 6. I really like the preview and options.

I found some problems:

  1. Z-oredering of the elements.
    Original SVG Rhino icons are made in a way, that some elements overlap each other. I don’t want to modify geometry when it’s not needed, but overlapping elements doesn’t work as desired (even if they are spread out in the Z direction.

How it should look

Z order

How it looks - overlapping outline is being masked by other surfaces hence it’s not as thick as it should be

  1. If I choose to overwrite the old file, but hit Cancel instead of Save, old file is gone and I’m left with nothing.

  2. Currently I used points of radius=0 to force document size. Maybe some other method, or document size lines in the preview would be handy.

  3. Could some process of batch exporting of SVGs be ported to the Grasshopper?

I didn’t know about it. I gave it a quick look and it seems like a great plugin.
I also had a little trouble with the ordering of shapes when they overlap. Is there any trick to overcome that?

I didnt look at the code for some times. The only order I care is the layers. Objects in layer are put in svg group. Svg group are rendered in order. Inside a group or layer i dont think there is a logic

Hello @Czaja feedback is always welcomed but I am far from Rhino and Grasshopper for some years I intend to come back when I will be retired (weeks or years ?).
As I will come back to laser cutting it will be the occasion to come back to SVG TOOLS.

Really appreciate your works and tools.

In the meantime, I got more familiar with Rhino native SVG export and when it comes to Grasshopper & SVG I recently discovered this absolutely fantastic GH plugin by David Mans