Hello friends, I want to get a surface for each rectangle you will see in the image, I cannot find how to complete them because they will be curv surfaces, I would appreciate if you can help me.
Do you want them to be curved surfaces or not?
Where’s your code?
surface.gh (29.4 KB)
Below you can find the grasshopper file where I created this geometry. The problem is that I cannot create a surface or Loft from the curves I have.
I am trying to create the whole geometry with the points on the panel, so the code may be a bit complicated. Sorry. I would be very grateful if you could help me solve the problem.
Yeah, I need something like that.
Thank you for your effort guys.
Hi mehdid when I try to get the areas of these surfaces, for some reason their centroids appear in different places, do you know why? it looks like 2 surface
Thank you very much joseph
There is a flaw in the simple code I posted. Join is useless
There are flaws in your geometry that cause problems. All horizontal curves are planar except for the top one. Is that deliberate or a mistake?
I can suggest better ways but 1) have limited time this morning and 2) not sure it’s useful because I don’t know what is correct.
P.S. This is all based on the top and bottom curves in the blue group (top left). The purple group fixes the top curve to be planar,
srf_grid_2025Feb20b.gh (35.1 KB)
Hi Joseph Thanks again, my main goal is to separate these surfaces, number them and determine their m2. Therefore, I didn’t pay much attention to which way the curve is defined or not. What do you suggest?
The lofted surface was split by SrfSplit so using Area accomplishes your goal, but you forgot one thing (or assumed the split fragments are in sequence - or maybe you don’t care?).
srf_grid_2025Feb20c.gh (32.0 KB)
If you do care, then the question is how to sort them?
Thank you joseph, Yes, now it will be a matter of separating them. I’ll work on that.in fact, it doesn’t really matter how they are sorted, it just needs to be sorted starting from one of the surfaces in the first row, it doesn’t matter which surface 1 is.
Joseph, I have one more question for you, the coordinates were in inc, now I changed them to mm, but when I add the curve in your code as multiple curves, I cannot reach the result, how do you define the curves?
Again, the surface fragments are already separate pieces, maybe you mean move them apart?
Does that mean I wasted my time sorting and numbering them? (gray group below)
Maybe the ‘Length’ slider connected to DivLength needs to change? You must understand the code I’ve given you
srf_grid_2025Feb20d.gh (46.5 KB)
Hi joseph thank you very much. right now I’m trying to understand your code thank you very much for your support what is the meaning of the number 5000 that you put on the slide? why did you put 5000 and not a different number? This is the new curve
surface1.gh (53.8 KB)
That ‘Length’ slider is set to 5 not 5000. Five inches = 127 millimeters. I used 5 because that matched the vertical curves you had.