Super basic Rhino inside Revit question

Hello Forum. Just a super simple question.
If you model a closed polysurface in Rhino. Can you then convert it to a Revit category such as a wall?
So that you can model a house in rhino and then convert it to a revit project? Rhino for modelling - Revit for BIM data.

Sort of. If you are referring to a native Revit wall, one with a type, editable etc, there are a couple ways to create these in the Revit API.

Wall by Curve or by Profile

To make non-editable Walls, that can be scheduled along with other Walls you can add Direct Shapes. These are not available via the Revit UI and can only be created by the Revit API.

Please see our Guide for more than you ever wanted to know about Revit. (10.1 KB)
Rh8-Make-DirectShape-Walls.3dm (95.5 KB)