Sun Direction/Path for site plan

Is there a link or any resources that info in regards to making a 3D sun path key? (Please see the example below). Apologies if this is common knowledge.

Screenshot 2023-07-26 150414

Hi Bryce -
There are a few plug-ins that will produce the sun path - you can search Food4Rhino to check those out. The Ladybug Tools probably have the largest user base.

Apart from that, Rhino also has a built-in sun and you could create a Python or C# script to do what you want. Here’s one post on the subject that I found with a quick search:


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Thanks for the help!

I’m looking to literally replicate the reference images above, does anyone have info on how to achieve this?

Hi Bryce -

Where are you getting stuck? This looks like a few curves and some hatches.