SubD Loft and Scale

I’m working on a project where I have a open SubD object which I would like to project onto Cplane and scale/deform said SubD object to a similar but narrower shape. After that I would like to SubD loft the objects together to form a Closed SubD.
Kind of hard to explain but I’ll attach a .gh file with internalised data and a end Goal SubD geometry for reference.

Thank you in advance.

Scale Bindsåle (61.9 KB)

Scale Bindsåle WIP Edited (72.0 KB)

I think this is a little more complex than what @Quan_Li suggested.

The bottom part of the sole needs to be scaled or morphed to the smaller boundary curve the OP provided.

I did that with Kangaroo Zombie solver since I did not know whether it is scaled or something else.

Finally the edges needd to be creased.

Scale Bindsåle (79.7 KB)

Thank you for the help Quan Li. I was trying to use the Pufferfish Parameter Loft, but came up short. You made it alot better than I managed, but since the bottom shape of the end subd isn’t “scaled” to the Curve I provided I won’t be able to use the script. Maybe I should have told you guys some more background info.

The first SubD is derived from a Subd that I Pull to fit a Mesh Scan of a patient. I then choose a Curve which I know fit the patients shoes. In the end the footbed is supposed to fit the patient and the show perfectly and get’s sent to 3dprintting.

Again thank you for the effort. :slight_smile:

Hi Martin!
I will for sure mark this as a solution. Worked like a charm. I went through the file and actually understood every step, so that’s a small win for me.
While you and Quan Li tried to help me this screenshot illustrates the closest I got to a working solution myself:

The Problem I had was I couldn’t scale the original Projected Subd to fit inside the new Curve. You solved this very nicely with Kangaroo. I guess I have to learn more kangoaroo now…

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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