SubD Columns, Curved Planar Surface

Hi guys, I have created a curved Subd Planar surface and I would like to add parametric columns that seamlessly connect to them.

I have looked at a few tutorials and forums but all of the columns connect to a flat surface rather than curved.

How might I go about doing this?

hi, it’s a complex thing that you are asking.
Start by posting the file with your work so far, so that it is easier to help you

I was precisely searching how to do an example of this a few days ago and came up with this.

The principle is :

  • make a loose loft through several scaled sections, starting on the floor at and ending at the contour of your shapes.
  • quadremesh the shapes

And then you enter the SubD in Grasshopper problem where you don’t have much tools available.

  • Inset each face and remove the center face.
  • Then join subds and offset.
    All of those tools don’t exist in vanilla GH.

You can try Flexibility plugin which offer those… or C#.