Hi everyone! Concerning add crease to edge feature in SubD modeling- I would like to inquire /seek advise on what causing this type of pointed end point… It seems to me they appear randomly in my model, but I’m open to your explanations /modeling tips. Aside from appearing pointed, it is also shaded with grey gradient. Please see screenshot.
Here’s a partial part model to show the problem. Thanks!
Hi @CGonz_T
I seems as if it’s just some sort of render mesh error. If I use RemoveCrease to remove the bottom crease and then use Crease to recreate it, it will look just like the upper edge. Other than that, I’d maybe adjust the patch layout instead, so that you get all quads along the edge (same goes for the top).
That vertex is tagged “Corner”, which will make kinks in the surrounding edges and faces, and creates this kind of pointy surface. The display mesh gets weirdly shaded because this is what the normals on the surface are like.
To get back to a normal creased edge, with vertices tagged “Crease” everywhere, use @Normand’s method: select the vertex or one of its adjacent edges, use _RemoveCrease, then select the smoothed edges and use _Crease.
And to make a “Corner” vertex, select the vertex (or at least 3 edges around it), and use the _Crease command.