Sub-Objects Selection - Always Select Curve


I noticed that when Sub-Object selection is turned on, user can’t select curves.

Despite this, one can select a surface with only a single face and no additional sub objects.

It would be convenient for Sub-Objects selection to also select single span curves.

Hm, yeah… that is a tough one I think - a single face brep has three possible sub-object types - face, edges, vertices - but a curve does not have any… thinking…


It does work with windows selection, it is confusing :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Hm- that seems wrong, to me…

OK, so the current thinking here is, if there is no sub-object, Ctrl-Shift click should get the top level object - which was your initial point. I’ll get this on the list, thanks.

RH-80137 Sub-object selection and curves



You got it, thank you Pascal!