SUB-D question > hard crease behavior is unexpected

I am trying to get a hard crease at the end of a 2-D surface. It won’t work and I get the messsage ‘No changes made’

I’m pretty sure this worked for me in the past. Is there a setting that may have been turned off?

Alerting @theoutside and @BrianJ

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Assuming that this is normal behavior, I discovered a fiendishly clever hack-around to get the geometry behaving.

This is an extra few steps, but please comment if there is a better way to achieve a sharp crease on a perimeter edge. I’d love to know what is up.

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You can use UnweldVertex command like this:

The Crease command does the same when vertices are selected instead of edges.


select the vertexes of that edge and crease them.

“creases” need a corresponding face to actually compute the crease.

so a naked edge, you can only crease the vertexes…


Hey @kyle and @Mahdiyar

You two nailed it. Thank you!
I never noticed this before, but using the vertices works for what I want … and better than my hack.

you only need to select the corners… the center vert is ignored.


Wow, super cool. Thanks again.

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