thanks for the reply… i have moved to 0… prior to attempting meshing… units are millimetres… overall size of model 150mm x 150mm x 75mm - see image of polygon mesh detailed options menus…
Your object is positioned way off from the origin.
I see you placed it on the TopView Cplane origin, however that Cplane itself is not at world Origin.
If you move it to the coordinate “w0,0,0” to override the Cplane origin I suspect you will get better meshing results
As a sidenote, I think the booleans were not easy either because of the far-from-origin issue.
I’ll see if I can sort out what you can do about it.
@EV80 see the attached file - replace the corresponding objects in your file with the blue ones in my file, then try the BooleanDifference.
The change I made to these objects, in case you want to do it yourself, is
Isolate them
One by one, select the surfaces that form the wedge shape - the two that make a knife edge, InsertKnot > Direction =V and click on Automatic once then Enter.
Join all the surface back and now Boolean. Cutters.3dm (368.1 KB)