HELP - STL files

I have a few questions about STL Files.

Some of the models are having difficulties if I ''Check" them.

For example:
Mesh has 20 non-manifold edges
Mesh has 14 duplicate faces
Mesh has 12 pairs of faces that intersect each other
Mesh has 12 naked edges.

So my questions are: Can I do something in Rhino to solve those problems? And are these problems critical for 3D printing it? I’ve tried ‘‘MeshRepair’’ but it didn’t solve the problem.

Hi Jesse - self intersections are hard, actually, and naked edges you’ll need to fix by hand,(Use ShowEdges to see where they are - the tools to use will vary with the situation- feel free to post a model and I’ll take a look.


should help here.


:thinking: but anyway these problems may not cause any 3d printing issue. Smart-enough slicing software would handle them.

Thank you for your reply,

I’ve just used the commands ExtractDuplicateMeshFaces & ExtractNonManifoldMeshEdges, that resolves the duplicate meshes & non manifold edges problem but than I end up with more naked edges than before… In this particular model, the naked edges went from 0 up to 17 after the 2 commands. Also it becomes an ‘‘open mesh’’ and before the 2 commands it is a closed mesh…

If you can take a look at this model, I would be very grateful!
The model I uploaded is from before the commands you recommended.

Thank you very much,
Jesse van Langeveld

Capricorn.stl (2.3 MB)

Thank you very much, it’s good to know that it doesn’t affect the prints.

Your mesh has problems in 2 areas that are pretty easy to repair manually.

If you look at the Non-Mainifold edges in your mesh, you will see that they are located where there is a small bridge between 2 strands of the goat’s beard.

Delete the faces in this “bridge” and then run _FillMeshHoles.

I also manually moved 1 mesh vertex to give a better appearance.

Next run the commands _MeshSelfIntersect and _SelCrv. This shows where the self intersections are located (on the back side of your mesh).

Delete the faces in this area and run _FillMeshHoles. You can also delete the 3 curves that were created by the _MeshSelfIntersect command.

Run command _RebuildMeshNormals.

Now your mesh is error free.

Capricorn_clean.3dm (2.5 MB)


Super!! Problem fixed!! Thank you very much for the support.
Now I can apply these commands when necessary.
Really appreciate the help.
