I cannot wrap my head around why this code:
"""Provides a scripting component.
Run: Toggle component On/Off
Label: Set Label of the component for easier identification
Update: Manual update
Pause: Toggle automatic update On/Off
Low: The Lower value
High: The Higher value
Normalized: normalizing the "distance" between Low and High
out: supposed to be console output, but I don't know how to get it
Value: The a output value
from ghpythonlib.componentbase import executingcomponent as component
import GhPython
import Grasshopper as gh
import System
import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
from System.Guid import NewGuid as guid
from Grasshopper.Kernel import GH_RuntimeMessageLevel as RML
__author__ = "zooid"
# Global variables, for some reason I need to set them up here
Low = 0.0
High = 0.0
class MyComponent(component):
Defining starting values not affected by the auto-update
def __init__(self):
guidL = guid()
guidH = guid()
#print("guidL: "+str(guidL))
#print("guidH: "+str(guidH))
label_L = "Low-"+str(guidL)
label_H = "High-"+str(guidH)
#print("label_L: "+str(label_L))
#print("label_H: "+str(label_H))
sc.sticky[label_L] = Low
sc.sticky[label_H] = High
#print("sticky[label_L]: "+str(sc.sticky[label_L]))
#print("sticky[label_H]: "+str(sc.sticky[label_H]))
""" main loop """
def RunScript(self, Run, Label, Update, Pause, Low, High, Normalized):
Manual update: it is intended to stop the main loop
and assign the starting valuables.
if Update:
"""Automatic update function"""
def updateComponent():
# Define callback action
def callBack(e):
# Get grasshopper document
ghDoc = ghenv.Component.OnPingDocument()
# Schedule this component to expire
print("Low: "+str(Low))
print("High: "+str(High))
sc.sticky[label_L] = Low
sc.sticky[label_H] = High
print("sticky[label_L]: "+str(sc.sticky[label_L]))
print("sticky[label_H]: "+str(sc.sticky[label_H]))
low = sc.sticky[label_L]
high = sc.sticky[label_H]
print("low: "+str(low))
print("high: "+str(high))
""" Calculating output depending on the states (booleans)"""
# Run State
if not Run:
Value = round(Low+(High-Low)*Normalized, 3)
msg = "Not Running"
if not Pause:
msg = "Running..."
print "Running..."
if low == None:
low = 0
if high == None:
high = 1
if low > high:
print("Error: Low > High")
Value = None
if Normalized == 0:
Value = round(low,3)
elif Normalized == 1:
Value = round(high,3)
Value = round(low+(high-low)*Normalized, 3)
if Pause:
msg = "Paused"
print "Paused"
#auto-update invocation
# Add component message from the Label
ghenv.Component.Message = msg
# return outputs if you have them; here I try it for you:
return Value
def __exit__(self):
print "exit"
results in this:
Why the values of the two sticky variables are both 100?
Could anyone point out where my mistake is?
Thanks in advance.