Whether Sun or Skylight are off or on any complementary light source does not light my object and there is always a hot spot on the object. I am wondering what and why change something that worked well in R7?
Spotlight is broken and on my shortlist to get fixed: RH-75736 Spotlight not working
OK, thank you.
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Hello Nathan, I realized that none f the lighting possibilities I tried, point of light and rectangular light, don’t work either.
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A post was split to a new topic: Change the location of command feedback
Spotlight produces no light when Raytraced, version 8.2.23346.13001. So I put a linear light inside of a can. This worked. Spotlights do work in a model created with an earlier version 8.
Per my comment above, spotlights work fine in simple models when Raytraced. However, in a more complicated model, rays from spotlights “appear” only after the first bounce. So they light things indirectly, but not directly. An implication is that spotlight success appears to be model-dependent (floating bug).
If you can share a model where this is the case please do so. If it is too large to upload to the forum you can use Rhino - Upload to Support to upload. The link here goes to the form with my email address prefilled. I will get a notification when the upload has completed.
Here my San Miguel conversion with just one spotlight - appears to be working fine in this rather heavy scene