Hi, dear
I’m trying to use SplopSpaceMorph to modify a brep. But it doesn’t work even ssm.Morph(cBrep) is true. I just got a new brep without morph.
double surWidth = 0;
double surHeight = 0;
sur.GetSurfaceSize(out surWidth, out surHeight);
BoundingBox box = brep.GetBoundingBox(true);
Plane boxPlane = Plane.WorldXY;
boxPlane.Origin = box.Center;
SplopSpaceMorph ssm = new SplopSpaceMorph(boxPlane, sur, new Point2d(surWidth / 2, surHeight / 2));
ssm.PreserveStructure = false;
ssm.QuickPreview = false;
Brep cBrep = brep.DuplicateBrep();