I can’t figure out how to do this in Python/Rhinocommon - I have a closed 4 segment curve which I need to split in two places, neither of which is the curve start/end point. I can use ClosestPoint() to get the curve params and then use Curve.Split(params) to split the curve, but I end up with 3 segments… Is there an easy way to get the segments around the start/end point to join back together? (The normal Rhino Split(Point) command does this). I tried jumping through a few hoops, but nothing works reliably, must be missing something obvious here…
Shooting from the hip, not testing any real code:
If more than 2 curves are returned, test curve start-end point for being equal to either split points.
All curves with end-starts points not at either split points are joined together.
Yeah, that is what I tried first, but I didn’t get it to work - now I see I probably used the wrong method, instead of using ChangeClosedCurveSeam(), I tries SetStartPoint()…