Split list into true and false

Hi everyone,

I am trying to split a list of true and false values into 2 lists that only contain true or false values.
I tried to use the cull, partition and dispatch component but I don’t know how to clarify that all false values should be cut.

Does anyone know how to do this ?
Thanks in advance

Something like this? or is there a more complex tree structure?

CreateSet.gh (11.4 KB)

It worked, thank you !

I’m not quite sure why yet but my index values for ‘True’ and ‘False’ match your Member Index ‘Index’ output values.

split list_2023Dec5a
split list_2023Dec5a.gh (10.1 KB)

P.S. Oh :exclamation: You are using the Jitter ‘Indices’ output… :question:

Your solution is simpler.

They match because the jittered True/False is what is being indexed & your Series is just the count from 0. Change the series start value and it works as expected.