Hi community,
I am still at the start of the learning curve for Data Tree manipulation.
I am using Split and mask to have de tree structure that I want. I want to exclude 16 branches every 16 (16 in 16 off…). Then according to my basic knowledge of Mask, it seems that I have to create line in the panel for every series I want to exclude… It seems to me very diffficult especially as I have many branches (927…) So I can t do this manually. Do you guys have a solution, an idea?
what about something like this? This is using Concatenate
to create the paths to split the tree.
Based on the tree you have, you will need to implement your own logic. By the way, in your image, the third line of the masks that you are using, is breaking the logic of the 16. You can of course break it, if that is what you need, but then you will need to create the inputs for the Concatenate component in a different way, based on what you need.
Split tree.gh (11.1 KB)
I hope this helps
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This is absolutely great! Thank you. I wish I could contribute to this community somedays in the future…