Sorting list to make modify all lines seperately

Hello everyone, I would like to sort a list wich contains 10 lines, into 10 seperate outputs of lines.
So that i’m able to make floors in the different tubes/towers of my script. Because most of the seperate towers need different flooring.
I hope anyone can help me.

TEST DNA (50.9 KB)

I don’t understand what you’re asking for? Why are the helix structures (“Superconstructie”) sideways?

It´s a design for a skyscraper, the concept consists of a helix structure which contains towers as the main part of the building. The helix is part of the building as structure, walkway and commercial purposes.
What i am trying to do is splitting the list of 10 lines to 10 seperate lines which i can modify seperately trough a different output. In this way the floors and floor height is adjustable per line/tower geometry.
The highlighted floors which are constructed around the nearly horizontal line are wrong, i would like to make it possible to edit those differently.

What i am trying to do is splitting the list of 10 lines to 10 separate lines which i can modify separately trough a different output.

Are you looking for graft the list so u get 10 separate lines and modify them in dependently …

Yes, I think so. But I don’t understand how I can create 10 different outputs from the list of lines.
Because I need to connect those outputs to another script of functions to divide a seperate line into floors.