May 18, 2019, 7:58pm
Hello friends!
I have a grid of points.
How could I sort the points in this way?
I believe the logic is this:
Tree A: Sort points in y direction (defaul in SqrGrid)
Tree B: Sort points in x direction (flip matrix)
Replace the points in Tree A with the points in Tree B inside the boundary curve (Point In Curve + Weave)
??? Split Trees at first and last replaced point and merge by x and by y ??? (Here I stuck)
sort_points.gh (11.4 KB)
Can anyone advice?
Thank you!
May 20, 2019, 2:19pm
Hi Laurent!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful work.
However, I am not sure how it can work with my case. I imagine it could be used for joining the lines and then sorting points along the achieved curves. But it doesn’t group the lines, and even if I join them, it creates artifacts that makes it imposible to group by connection.
I may be wrong, but I believe I need some data-managing tips to split and group trees of points…
May 29, 2019, 9:26am
I tried an approach of data managing, using Relative Item. It works somehow, but not perfectly fine.
Can anyone advice on how to impove this script?
unnamed3.gh (24.2 KB)
I use this approach because then I will need to run Chain-Link fancing (or Rabitz) thru those points.