Sort points clockwise with vector x

Hello Guys

I know that the forum raised the issue of radial sorting. But disregarding the position of the first object in the sorted list.

in the file example, there are 2 lists of points that do not lie in the same plane. it is necessary to sort the points so that the first point in the list is always closest to the positive direction of the vector x, and all the rest are clockwise relative to this one. I have a definition for radial sorting, but it does not quite correctly.

radial sort clock and (10.2 KB)

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don’t know if this helps or just makes things more complicated :slight_smile:

radial sort clock and (16.8 KB)


Given the opportunity get the attached as well (you walk that sort of walk don’t you?) that does the radial Order thingy “by the book”. For the 2nd List … it’s just a matter of a few lines more. (128.9 KB)