Solid difference is missing one of the components in my model

Hello, I’m at a complete loss, this solid difference is missing one of the components i’m trying to subtract from it and I can’t figure it out, What I’m trying to do is subtract the wavey part from a box to get what I need, sadly I need it to be done this way due to measurements and what happening is circled part isn’t subtracting from the box and I can’t figure out why. if anyone can help I would massively appreciate it.

Wall of (105.0 KB)
Wall of SmoothnessP03.3dm (15.6 MB)

Simplify your file and only upload the gh file

As @Quan_Li said, you should have simplified your grasshopper file to only the parts needed to illustrate your question and internalise all needed geometry.

Took me a few minutes exploring your file to get to the problem area.

You could eliminate the 3 Trimmed Surfaces, they aren’t causing problems but are not needed here.

Wall of (1.3 MB)
(geometry internalised)

Subtracting this

From this

Gives this result (unexpected area circled in red)

You need to adjust the construction and/or placement of your cutting shapes to correct this.

If you look at the intersection curves from your breps, you can see the problem

These are the non-planar faces in your cutting breps. I would expect these 2 faces at the bottom to be planar.

Edit: one possible solution (I don’t know how critical the dimensions of your geometry are).

Wall of (1.3 MB)
