Solid Difference Collapse. Help

Hi. I have closed breps and I have scaled version of it. I want to split the scaled version from the based ones. However, It collapses when I connect main ones.


I appreciate for your consideration.

scaling on the center of mass won’t generally work for almost any geometry, consider that in Rhino you can’t just enclose a volume inside another volume, there must be something that connects the two

by attaching your files with internalized geometries you’ll for sure get specific help

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parametrik.3dm (2.4 MB)

I appreciate for the commands. Actually, I was trying to make this connection. However, I could not make it. Thank you for your consideration.

is this the right file? :slight_smile:

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Ah yes, I was working for 3 days on it. There is a miss part sorry. I will fix it and maybe ask it again later. Thank you for your consideration and attention. I appreciate it.