How can I smoothen the boundaries of a mesh I have created in Grasshopper, without affecting the shape of the rest of the mesh. Any help is appreciated.
How can I smoothen the boundaries of a mesh I have created in Grasshopper, without affecting the shape of the rest of the mesh. Any help is appreciated.
You can select the naked vertices with the command _SelNakedMeshEdgePt and then try _Smooth
If that doesn’t help, maybe post a screenshot which shows the problem…
you have many tools, hard to say which one is better. As you need to work just on boundary I think theses 3 could help, from Stripper, Ngon and Nautilus
Not up to date documentation
Hi, thanks for the reply, but I need to do this strictly in grasshopper.
HI, thank you very much for the help, but I’m trying to create a definition to be used with Shapediver and it only supports some specific Plug-ins which unfortunately does not include the above mentioned ones.
Do you know of some other ways to accomplish this as well?
Thank you!
You can code the tool yourself if C# or python component are allowed
here a method that can be useful<int>,double,int,bool,bool,bool,bool,smoothingcoordinatesystem,plane)
Great, Thanks a lot !
I’ll try to create something from this using Chat GPT- don’t know any coding myself.
Here’s a quick adaptation of some functions I wrote a long time ago, where we get the naked edge loops as polylines, smooth those, and snap the naked mesh vertices onto the smooth polylines. This will occasionally lead to issues where naked vertices move to far, causing faces to fold over and such (one might want to split the polylines at corners before relaxing them). But give it go, might work for you and should work with ShapeDiver since it’s all native:
This looks great, Thanks a lot!