Hi all
I’ve been blissfully using Rhino to output STLs for 3D SLA printing to envisionTEC and B9 Creator printers. Each have their own included pre-printing utilities for slicing the STLs. Pretty straightforward and familiar territory there. Time to go outside my comfort zone…
I’m in for one of the Glowforge laser cutters ( http://glowforge.com/referred/?kid=tCTeUI ) due next year and have been looking at the various 3D software to use with it.
Some initial searching in this forum regarding lasercutting seem to be focused on posts about extracting surface facets. That’s not what I’m after.
My intent is to slice a 3D nurbs model, bring the 2D images to the laser cutter so that the cut physical layers can get re-assembled. Ergo this thread. IOW, something more akin to stereolithography assembling with cardboard/wood/plastic layers as opposed to micron-scale cured resin printing.
Rhino’s SLC file export comes close, but not one of the Glowforge compatible formats. Any chance the SLC plug-in could be tweaked to output a series of SVG outlines to a folder? Various machines and processes out there could more immediately use SVG over SLC, it’d seem to me. (ie, 2-dimensional SVG slices could be used for importing into AfterEffects/AppleMotion for visual effects use)