Simulating curved folding without planar quads?

Hey all!
I know this is a bit specific, but I was wondering if there is a more advanced way to simulate curved folded designs (not necessarily in Grasshopper) that doesn’t use the rigid origami quads method, and therefore ruling lines that have to be implemented before the folding process, but rather something more close to real life, where you have the folding curves, pull on some points on the surface and the shape emerges (and the ruling lines are basically defined by the movement, not set beforehand).
Thanks a lot!

(maybe @DanielPiker knows some tricks, sorry to tag you like that)

do you have any kind of example? right now i might be misunderstanding that completely.

if you want something simple non grasshopper like, you can use loft with history. the more curves you integrate the more control you have. you can use EditPtOn instead of PointsOn to get a more direct feeling if you wish.

Bildschirmvideo aufnehmen 2022-02-16 um 11.42.51

It’s true that predefining the ruling lines limits the folding.
Lots of curved folding actually relies on the ruling directions changing as it folds, which the planar quads method can’t capture.
Using a triangulated mesh as a shell can sometimes be a better way. See these threads on this:

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or this one:

edit - I just realised that example is from before TriRemesh and using the buggy old remesh. Here it is with that bit updated: (21.3 KB)


Hey, Daniel! Thank you for the great references, I waited to reply after I actually had some time to read them and test the linked definition. My understanding is that the definition you linked along with the video, doesn’t use Rabinovich’s angular constraints. Am I wrong? I see it only uses a plastic and a “normal” hinge component (alongsiode the EdgeLengths goal). Do you perhaps have one where these are implemented? (the video seems to show something that uses an orthogonal geodezic net, though uses a triangulated mesh. If you have the time to clear it up a bit, it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks again!

Hi @zoster

The example is using the triangulated mesh+hinges approach, but if you look in the ‘plywood strips’ link in the post above, there is a definition there which shows the use of the non planar quad mesh with angle constraints like in the IGL papers.

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Thank you! don’t know how I managed to miss it…
I am guessing one that can adopt creases as well is not yet developed.