Simplify Breps?

Hello everyone,

I would like to know if there is a way to simplify Breps? I downloaded a 3dwarehouse model, openned as trimmed planes and then used the merge all coplanar faces command. But still think that are too many faces on it.
Is there a way to simplify it even more?

Hi Leonardo -

That would take reverse engineering. I suppose you could try QuadRemeshing the original mesh to SubD and then convert to NURBS, but it’s likely that with simple shapes like this, it’s more accurate to simply draw this from scratch with cylinders from circles that are retrieved from points on the mesh.


thanks, it helped a lot

what do you need the object for ?
for rendering ?
for production ?

project lines to the mesh where you expect circles

_circle fitPoints

you can
to get some initial Lines
clean them and maybe add some
_revolve twice - the initial circles will help for defining the axis.

kind regards -tom

I wanted to avoid remodelling it

Do you need to remodel it? Or is it just a model for rendering? If it’s the latter, leave it as a mesh. You might need to change the shading on the mesh if it looks too faceted. Angle based welding can help getting the model to display correctly.

I need for 2d drawing.

If you make a section of it, you can probably redraw that in a few minutes.

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