Hi All
New to grasshoper 2 weeks in tying to rotate the panles on a spcifice axis I can work out how to split the edges to pick the ednges to hinge off, I think Ive internailsed the date not sure it has worked
Fish 01.gh (652.5 KB)
Hi All
New to grasshoper 2 weeks in tying to rotate the panles on a spcifice axis I can work out how to split the edges to pick the ednges to hinge off, I think Ive internailsed the date not sure it has worked
Been fooling a tutrial I think im getting closer but sitll not working I think it might be becuase the axis is curved
Not sure if that’s what you want. It rotates each face around its normal.
Still no geometry internalized so I took one of my own.
No exctly but that is pretty cool thanks ill try internalize the date
I think the issure is that im trying to use a subd instead of a isotrim surface
Thanks Mate I was tryin simulate simulare creating a line but still no love Ill give that a try
Thats workiing thanks mate
Is there a way to cull the iso trim and select every 2nd pannel ?
Sure - depends on what every 2nd…
There is Foundations | The Grasshopper Primer Third Edition (gitbooks.io)
Specially 1.4. Designing with Lists
Thanks Mate
Hey Dose anyone now why this wouldnt be working ? trying to loft the to curves
Fishy 09.gh (139.9 KB)
Is it possible to convert no planer curves into a surface ? or im I thinking about this the wrong way ? I have an iso trim then tring to fillet it then rotat ?
Im having trouple getting multiple iso trrim to work now any ideas ?
Fishy 09.gh (114.9 KB)
I think I got it graft suface and graft, isotim