Simple Rotate on axis

Hi All
New to grasshoper 2 weeks in tying to rotate the panles on a spcifice axis I can work out how to split the edges to pick the ednges to hinge off, I think Ive internailsed the date not sure it has worked


Fish (652.5 KB)

Been fooling a tutrial I think im getting closer but sitll not working I think it might be becuase the axis is curved

Fish (622.0 KB)

Not sure if that’s what you want. It rotates each face around its normal.
Still no geometry internalized so I took one of my own. (218.4 KB)

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No exctly but that is pretty cool thanks ill try internalize the date

Fish (622.6 KB)

Did that work ? trying to get it to hinge off wone point

I think the issure is that im trying to use a subd instead of a isotrim surface

Rotate Axis asks for a line (2 Point), not for a curve.

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Thanks Mate I was tryin simulate simulare creating a line but still no love Ill give that a try

Fishy (71.4 KB)

Thats workiing thanks mate

Is there a way to cull the iso trim and select every 2nd pannel ?

Sure - depends on what every 2nd…
There is Foundations | The Grasshopper Primer Third Edition (
Specially 1.4. Designing with Lists

Thanks Mate

Hey Dose anyone now why this wouldnt be working ? trying to loft the to curves

Fishy (139.9 KB)


Is it possible to convert no planer curves into a surface ? or im I thinking about this the wrong way ? I have an iso trim then tring to fillet it then rotat ?


Fishy (99.9 KB)

Im having trouple getting multiple iso trrim to work now any ideas ?
Fishy (114.9 KB)

I think I got it graft suface and graft, isotim