Simple Fidget Spinner

I used BooleanUnion to get a solid piece. I don’t understand how you would use Trim and Join to make it a solid. Would you mind explaining this, as I would love to learn what you are recommending.



I am practicing with this model this morning. When Fillet is ran on the left or right outside lines, I am seeing the opposing side line disappear. This did not happen when I was making the model yesterday.

RhinoSpinner22_30.3dm (2.5 MB)

I am not sure what I am doing wrong.



Wim explained it pretty clearly. The Trim command allows you to pick the parts that you want removed and then Join command puts the pieces that are left together.

In the enclosed file, first select the 2 black parts and run the Trim command then pick the parts to be removed (points to pick are labeled “pick1”). After trimming while both are still selected run Join command. Then add the cyan cylinder to the selection and run Trim and Join again. This time when trimming pick the points marked “pick2”.
Trim.3dm (77.9 KB)

When your done you have the solid you wanted and 2 surfaces left over. You didn’t need those surfaces to begin with. Even if you choose to use boolean you didn’t need those surfaces.

@jim Thank you for taking the time to explain this. I think I understand now. Are the two left over surfaces you mention on the bottom? One is still teal and the other is black/grey.

Trimmed.3dm (2.5 MB)

Yes those are the surfaces left over. You could eliminate those surfaces during the trim operation also by picking them, but if you aren’t careful you may pick the wrong surface. And that would mean when you join everything you would have the bottom surface in pieces like what boolean union gives you.

You could also make this using Revolve command. In the enclosed file the blue curve is the revolved curve and the red is the revolve axis.
Revolve.3dm (52.1 KB)

Hi @jim I noticed the 2d outline pattern when I was using Trim and thought about revolve. I really appreciate you taking some time to walk me through this. I am doing the Level 1 Rhino class right now, but love learning as I make things.

I had one other issue I cannot explain. Fillet on one side of the body caused me to lose a curve on the opposite side. It just disappeared. There was a small curve left and I was able to complete the edge despite this, but wondered what was causing it. Its odd because it did not happen the day prior when I was working on it with @pascal. Anyway, there is a picture in the thread with a circle showing what disappears.

Thanks again,


Hi jp - the line is being shortened because you made the polar array with History on. When you trim back the original line that was arrayed by filleting, the arrayed copies are also shortened. I don’t think History helps you here, I’d turn it off.


@pascal I figured there was a reason and it was something I did. Thank you!