Shrinkwrap locally lazy

Not sure why shrinkwrap fills my bubbleship’s reactor outlet like this, ignoring the intricate geometry of the turbine just behind…

By contrast, it does a good job on the seats, inside the cockpit.

Target edge length : 2 ; other settings left default.

Original model by Brian Martin.

My file RH V8 -256 MB (internal parts gutted).

Looking forward to 3D print that sweet baby…

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Since the objects you are wrapping contain open surfaces, I’d isolate those objects first, and wrap them with the fill holes option, then cut out some material from the motors, show all other objects and wrap again. Does that make sense?

look for open polysurfaces and surfaces that are not connected to anything else and do a quick patch up on those parts.

also…fwiw, this model is in MM and it’s tolerance is crazy… change it to .001mm and your modeling stuff will work better.

I was able to get a good result with some quick patch ups to the surfaces and running shrinkwrap at 1 unit for edge length.
came up to 10mm polys, so if you are going to a printer, you may want to crank up the optimization settings to like 30 or 40.

also the render mesh needs to be set to an edge length of 1 to get a smooth voxel translation in Shrinkwrap (shrinkwrap works off the render mesh, not the actual geometry)


I really thought that this tool was robust and required very little preparation ; at least that was my understanding based on the Shrinkwrap presentation video.

So I created “gates” to fill in the voids, thinking that was more than enough to get rolling…

Full of interesting info. Thanks.
Indeed, I had not checked the tolerance.
I don’t know where that value comes from.Perhaps it’s Solidworks that goes crazy on this when generating the STEP file.

that makes sense… solidworks tolerances are full batsh!t crazy.

fwiw, this the effect of the render mesh on a simple sphere-

only thing I changed was the rendermesh setting in tools>options>mesh

min on the middle part, max on the right hand part.

This is true, the tool does try to fill in holes automatically, and it did, the problem is that the solution it came up with was to close off the back because of the amount of issues. This is linked to the FillMeshHoles option on the dialog.