Crash with Shrinkwrap

Yesterday I updated to Rhino 8.16 Evaluation (expired license), ran it 3 times and it crashed twice while trying the “Shrink wrap” tool with quite simple settings. The program didn’t made a crash report. Interestingly, the 3rd time I tried the “Shrink wrap” tool on the same model with much more dense settings and it didn’t crash, which makes me wonder why it crashed with the 10 times less detailed settings prior that. I can’t share the file, but it was a tubular car chassis with lots of holes between the tubes.

if you can send it to me privately i can take a look.

I signed an NDA to not share the file with anyone. But it consists mainly round tubes with 45 mm diameter and 2,6 mm wall thickness. The tubes are at least 0,2 mm apart to leave some tiny gap in-between (for that reason I use 0,2 mm offset cutting pipes).

No worries, If you’re able to share something similar that can reproduce the issue I’ll happily take a look.

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I made a quick test scene with similar tubes, but keep in mind that the chassis has 166 tubes total with various shape (including bent tubes) and it’s almost 4 meters long, therefore, this file is not representative of the actual structure that caused crashed of my Rhino 8.16 evaluation.

Test this with Shrink wrap.3dm (1.2 MB)

What numbers did you shrink wrap with?

I set “Polygon optimization” to 0. The rest of the options are identical to what I was using.

That results in 9’268’724 faces…

Not sure what you’re trying to do but I think you might also benefit from meshing the nurbs before running shrinkwrap as the command uses the rendermesh…

I used a custom mesh applied to the tubes, but i don’t remember the exact settings, but the geometry was smooth enough. The program crashed when I set “Target edge length” of 2 mm and 5 mm, respectively, but worked just fine with 0,5 mm. No idea why the rough setting caused a crash, while the much more dense one was alright…

That’s difficult to replicate.

Did you union the individual breps before meshing or union the meshes after meshing the pipes?

I simply applied a custom mesh to all NURBS tube and ran the “ShrinkWrap” tool. Every tube was a separate polysurface, just like in the sample file.