Shortest Walk gives wrong results

I am trying to find shortest path in network of curves through shortest walk plugin , but it gives wrong results , so the path is not approaching the distant points given the guide curves , any idea to solve that .

shortest walk (8.4 KB)

I think the issue is that you’re defining a line from somewhere in the middle of a curve to the end of another curve as wanted path. You should probably define it from one of the source curve end points to a target curve end point.

You should also get rid of the fake distances, unless you want introduce some additional weights, in which case you should match the 49 curves, not just 10.
If you don’t provide any lengths, the component will evaluate the shortest path for the physical curve lengths, which is probably best at least for testing.
There’s also no need for grafting and flattening.

shortest walk (7.4 KB)

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@diff-arch thanks it worked for me now