Shadow Map size

hi Patt,

I agree it would be handy to have higher values exposed in the UI (maybe only in advanced options) to take advantage of the high end video cards.
In the meantime, you can try this small script - it should let you set custom size of the shadow map beyond the UI setting:

SetDisplayModeShadowQualityCustom.rvb (279 Bytes)

if you look at the script code, it is using 16512 as the shadow value, which translates to double the size allowed by Rhino UI. I use this one as highest setting since it is close to the max texture size my video card allows (listed under Rhino Options > View ? OpenGL settings ) here :

if you have better card/larger texture size allowed, you can experiment with changing the number in the script. To get back to lower quality, just use Rhino UI.

