This is extremely useful for my definition! No it really behaves like a real application! Is it also possible to release the object? Which means I close the file.
Not sure I know what you mean? If you want to clear the selection, there is already a boolean input in the script called “Clear” that does this, you just need to hook it up to a button.
thanks, cool.
Hi all, I have looked at the solutions but did not find anyone of my help. My problem is,
I am trying to perform some operations on a 3D model using Rhino and Human UI. As we select “Set one Mesh” from “Mesh” component in Grasshopper, similarly I want to do the same operation by using Human UI.
I want to set a mesh in Human UI by clicking the 3D model in Rhino window without using Grasshopper’s “Mesh” component. Can anyone help?
My Grasshopper file and Sample 3D model is attached herewith. (6.6 KB) ExampleSTL File.3dm (199.8 KB)
Hello Rolf,
I am not so good in coding, but I have seen that there is the possibility to use the “Rhino Pick Button” for this purpose. My only question is, in the case I want to pick a point in space in the Rhino environment I am not able to do so unless there is a Rhino point there. Would there be any way for me to achieve this, like predetermining a default point coordinate into the Human Ui pick node and then picking it’s new location without having to create it first in Rhino?
Thanks for all your support in this entire topic.