I wish to popup a dialog without loose the focus to Rhino (or get back the focus) this is because a keyboard with macros does not send keystrokes to the main window
Rhino_Orto.py (5.2 KB)
Rhino_Orto.xaml.txt (5.0 KB)
Also a methot to toggle a window state (hidden - visible ) instead of block if already is open?
Hi @JavierG,
you might try RhinoApp.SetFocusToMainWindow()
method or alternatively make your form dialog listen to key events and pass them through to Rhino using RhinoApp.SendKeyStrokes
Is IronPython not rhinocommon
I am using both recommened methods in my iron-python scripts together with WinForms. Since you’re importing the Rhino namespace in your script, why don’t you try just adding this to the Load event of your WPF Form:
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yes it works. Thank you very much for taking the time and sharing your experience with me
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