I have two sets of points and wish to identify the ones which are in set A but not set B. It works fine except it gives me an extra point because two points 568 and 596 are not exactly the same. I have changed the tolerance in Rhino even to 0.1 but it doesn’t change the result. Any clues as how I can change this tolerance please? ThanksTest01.gh (31.1 KB)
the CullPt set on Average will merge all the points within the component input tolerance T (0.1) into a brand new point
Thanks, not sure that will resolve it. However I am not sure how to bring up the bottom part of this menu. Mine stops at average and do not get anything below it.
depending on the type of culling you will get very different results:
by right clicking on the component name you should see the available options, regardless of the rest of the inputs: