Hi, I would like to know whether it will be possible to be able to assign different tolerances to different parts of the Grasshopper script in the version 2 with Rhino 7 and override the document tolerances.
What I do now; is set the absolute tolerance in Rhino and after the GH solution is completed disable the components that need an other tolerance setting and change the Rhino tolerance en re-enable the components that works with the new tolerance settings.
I agree, it’s important to set the contextual tolerance on a per-component basis, and maybe even on a per-operation basis. However I loathe to add a tolerance input to so many components, it would add a huge amount of visual complexity.
A possible solution (which I have not even begun to type on) is the concept of ‘leech’ objects. These would be a special kind of attach-able parameter that could specify some context on a per object basis. Tolerance would be one such context, but there are many other kinds I can think of, including coordinate-system, angular-tolerance, modular limits, data-to-file-dump, applicable-volume, … most of these are probably nonsense or would be easier through regular channels.
Just an idea: Can it be possible to add these extra controls to the Group component? When we group the components the settings apply to the group members.