SelVisible - actually only visible?


I would like to select only the lines that are visible from my camera view.


But SelVisible actually selects:

So many little things not working as intuitive for user :frowning:

Why is it selecting things I am not seeing? Am I expecting too much?

Are those lines or surfaces? They look like surfaces to me.

Black is lines, white is closed polysurface.

Here the model if you want to check.
model.3dm (362.7 KB)

Yep, I see that a bunch of curves that are behind the building polysurface (thus in theory are not visible) also get selected.

Some of the curves that get wrongly selected do have an endpoint that is in the visible area. A bunch of other similar items that have the same thing do not get selected. However, there are also some which are completely behind that also get selected.

Yeah… I don’t think this tool has ever been super reliable, especially with coincident objects.
