Self Intersecting Mesh Boolean Union

Hello All,

I have a peculiar problem with a (good) self intersecting mesh that has overlapping enclosed regions. I want to ‘boolean union’ the regions to prepare it for 3d printing.

MeshBooleanUnionTest.3dm (271.6 KB)
Is there an obvious way to do this that I am missing?

The diffcult way of doing this would be to split the mesh into two closed parts then boolean them. But that seems like an awkward workaround, is there anything better out there?


Try the V8 WIP’s ShrinkWrap feature.

Hi Henry -

Other than Jim’s suggestion - have you tried to send this object to the slicer as it is?

Oh! I’m so used to manufacturing processes needing good models that it didn’t even occur to me that this would work. Processing software seems to accept it. Thanks!

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