Can V5 do this, desperately hope so.
V4 has no ability to show in the layers palette the layer a selected object is allocated to.
e.g. I am currently wishing to turn off layers for objects I dont want showing.
As I select an object, to see the layer immediately and turn it off is what I want, instead I have to open the object property window, see the layer name in there, then mentally note where it is in the many layers I have, or write it down, then go and find it in the layers palette, then turn it off. This is taking ages to do as I have loads to turn off. I could do the whole task in seconds not minutes if only the layer itself would show highlighted when I click an object.
Throughout the day I reckon over 30 mins is lost to trying to find layers without this aid.
Even more frustrating, if I have grouped two objects or more, then it says Layer varies…aaaaaaaaaagh !
havent a clue now what layer to turn off. hells bells !
…but if the layers were to highlight for this grouped item I could turn them off in a second, instead I have to ungroup the item , maybe two or three times, so losing the whole reason for grouping them, then jot down the layers involved, regroup them, if I can get at the parts without missing bits, regroup them, then turn off those layers…nightmare. get a few grouped items and suicide thoughts start to occur !!!
I often avoid grouping because of this yet would find grouping so useful.
I will pay £1000 for V5 if it can show the layers up as I click the items !
I use Freehand9 in graphics and this function I have taken for granted, it is central and massively useful to workflow and speed, but with Rhino I am taking chunks out of my day ferreting around with its loss. Time is money and to lose it just on this is a killer.
I flagged this up as a feature request for V5 as it was being developed when I first started using V4. It would be so useful, and there is no reason why it would be detrimental so I truly hope its in V5,…is it ?