Let’s clarify, Francesc. Display modes can transform into other modes. Is htere a particular setting which causes printing from sections to become unreliable in some way?
Hidden, for example, begins to resemble Rendered if we change the default “Hidden” mode to use ambient occlusion, for example. Should that still lead to reliable fills with Va sections?
All Rendered display variations usually have hidden lines removed - should they print reliably?
You mention limitations to vector output. My understanding has been that regardless of vector settings, Detail views always print as bitmaps in Rhino. Am I mistaken about that? Has it recently changed? Are there certain circumstances which trigger either print mode?
As you can see, section fills can be printed to raster output using any display mode, but only with Hidden you can print them to vector output.
Hidden display mode is meant to be used for printing to vector output and only prints lines. Editing its lighting method has no effects on the display.
Only if you print to raster output.
If you use Hidden display in Detail viewports, you can print them to vector output.
The VisualARQ 2.3 version provides reliable section fills for printing to vector output in Hidden display and to Raster output in other display modes. Are you using VisualARQ 2.3?
Details in a layout are not always printed as bitmaps. Details in Wireframe display mode, for example, are printed as vector. There hasn’t been a recent change in this behavior, no.
That’s correct. And Wireframe is good for printing 2D geometry to vector output as well. But not for 3D objects, since it doesn’t shade the surfaces, so you see all 3D objects edges.
My understanding has been that regardless of vector settings, Detail views always print as bitmaps in Rhino. Am I mistaken about that? Has it recently changed?
Details in a layout are not always printed as bitmaps. Details in Wireframe display mode, for example, are printed as vector. There hasn’t been a recent change in this behavior, no.