Luca, nothing changed in the plugin.
Can you please open a new session, run Hatch command and create any hatch (other than Solid).
Now run a SectionTools command and see if the hatches load.
Hi @rajaa
I did some more tests
Hatches load correctly if I use a default Rhino template (say “Small Objects - Millimeters.3dm”).
They do NOT show when I run a SectionTools on a file where there are more hatch patterns.
Hi @rajaa
I did some more tests
looks like some pattern (names?) were blocking hatch to load during Sectiontools command.
I purged my custom template from all pattern and then added again one by one.
I did not had the chance yet to really test SectionTools after last updates.
Looks more powerful, stable and straightforward.
Thank you!
I’ve got this same problem.
The trouble is that it is impossible to delete the hatches I imported…
The delete button is visible (not grayed out) but clicking on it does nothing
Unfortunately this makes hatching impossible with section tools (it just reverts to a solid hatch for everything)
Nothing I have tried makes any difference
Is there a folder where I can delete the hatches ?
How can I remove them ?
@ambrose_bill Do you have access to the RhinoWIP?
The latest SectionTools release should have fixed most of these issues. Please try and let me know if you still have problems.