Any help in writing a quick python command to select all the same block(s)? The block manager on Mac is cumbersome, as is using -selblockinstancenamed.
Blocktools for Mac would be the ideal solution of course
Any help in writing a quick python command to select all the same block(s)? The block manager on Mac is cumbersome, as is using -selblockinstancenamed.
Blocktools for Mac would be the ideal solution of course
Hello - not sure if this is what you need?
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def SelSameBlocks():
id = rs.GetObject('Select a block', 4096, preselect=True)
if not id:return
ids = rs.BlockInstances(rs.BlockInstanceName(id))
if ids: rs.SelectObjects(ids)
Perfect, thank you!
As I have you here - any news on make unique/SplitToNewBlock functionality?
Any way of adapting the script so if you select multiple different blocks it selects all instances of them?
Hi - sorry if silly question - how do I load this “select same block” script into Rhino 8? Not familiar with macros, scripting, etc. but this seems to be exactly what I need. Thanks