OK so this was fixed according to youtrack, so I set about testing and it seems to be much better, thanks!!!
What I notice now - previously hidden because of the other bug - is a change in how the text is placed relative to the insertion point from V5 to V6. It concerns the “descenders” in a line of text, those letters that extend “below the line” - i.e. lower case g, j, p, q, y.
In V5, the insertion point Y value represents the line on which the text is placed, the descenders (if any) extend below the insertion line and the rest of the letters above (i.e. the text “sits” on the line through the insertion point).
In V6, if there are no descenders in the line, it behaves as in V5. However, as soon as there is one descender in the text, the entire line of text is moved up so that the bottom of the descender is on the line, and the rest of the text is above it.
You can try it yourself:
In V5, call TextObject, use some standard font like Arial, check create curves, use “hello world” as the text and 0,0,0 as the insertion point.
Now, change the text to “jello world” and do it again. You can see the two texts line up on the same horizontal line.
Now, do the same in V6. (you need the latest Beta, the one with the insertion point bug fixed). You will see the difference.
None of the “vertical justification” settings seem to make any difference
(but it shouldn’t matter anyway for a single line of text)
- First, IMO, this is totally wrong relative to standard typographic rules…
- Second, this makes it impossible to determine exactly where a line of text will be placed, as it now depends on whether the text has descenders or not…
I sincerely hope this situation can be addressed… @alain ?