Hello everyone, I am looking forward to a script for space planning generative design. transform excel sheet to floor plan and choose the optimum solution based on specific objectives and constrains.
if you really want a serious, buildable solution, (not just only a visualisation of some fancy animation…) this is not a script - it s a full and expensive software solution.
There is a great company that is doing stuff like this for offices, supermarkets and more:
and yes - Oliver one of the owners is a friend of mine.
Thanks for your rapid response. I just want a visual script for generative design space planning for my master’s. refine designs to find the optimum solution based on objectives and constraints like minimum circulation, maximum ventilation, etc.
I am currently working on my master’s thesis and am looking for a script related to space planning for experimenting with generative design. Have you come across one that you could share with me? It would be incredibly helpful.
Thank you!