xBrep_mergeFace.py and xBrep_mergeAllFaces.py
in rhinopython/for_xBrep_mergeFace.zip at master · CADacombs/rhinopython · GitHub
are alternatives to _MergeFace and _MergeAllFaces, respectively, that besides planar faces, willl also merge conical, cylindrical, spherical, toric, and some other NURBS-surface faces (https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-10693).
There is no installation; place all .py files in the .zip into a Module Search Path for Rhino Python, e.g., %AppData%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\scripts
and run the intended .py through various means (Running a Python script in Rhino with Python)
Known limitations:
- Non-manifold breps are skipped
- Bad results when used on breps with overlapping faces
Any feedback is appreciated.
Thank you