Hi all!
I am trying to parametrically use grasshopper to make a very simple shutter/lattice mechanism. An example below of what I am trying to achieve:
However, what im currently achieving is this:
I understand that grasshopper isnt exactly optimised for hinges/pivots but I thought this would be simple enough to do on grasshopper - I don’t really want to learn a new program. Though, I think I should have modelled the lines with rotation around the mid point rather than at the end points i suppose.
Here is the gh file:
shutters_lattice.gh (10.5 KB)
Thank you in advance
I think this link could help and also searching with scissor keyword instead of lattice.
[Screenshot 2023-03-19 173420]
I am trying to integrate my Grasshopper model with scissor type connections into SAP2000. How can I model a scissor joint in GH such that it will read the same in SAP 2000 (i.e. it will have the same degrees of freedom in SAP also.)?
What is simple about a shutter mechanism? Your GH file uses points that are not internalized.
As @laurent_delrieu said, the keyword you want is “scissor”.
Here are some other threads that might be helpful:
IRIS.gh (15.7 KB) by Brian Harms on December 7, 2011
I have created a parametric model of folding plate. I have applied thickness to the surfaces using 'extrude' component and unit vector, however, the unit…
FoldingPlatec_2017Nov5b.gh (22.0 KB) by me on November 5, 2017
Elaboration on same code (by me) :
Getting there. The orange group is a building with Random Reduce applied to SubSrf (Isotrim) sections to represent locations (planes) for the folding devices (shown in white).
The ‘Custom Frame’ from @HS_Kim ’s code is internalized and oriented to each of these planes (shown in yellow) but not yet used by the folding mechanism.
FoldingPlates_2020Dec31f.gh (263.1 KB)
Happy New Year!
P.S. This one I did on March 22, 2017, found in the link @laurent_delrieu posted, looks the most similar to your code and image:
scissors_2017Mar22c.gh (32.3 KB)
Would you mind if we change the topic title to ‘Scissors mechanism’?
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