Scheduleview subparameter access

Hello world !!
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I’ve looking for ways to access schedules special parameters. After finding the way of placing schedules on sheets (thks Japhy ;)), i have a bunch of schedules views and would like to get/set some special parameters, here is FILTER , but APPEARANCE would be great too .
How can we access to this in grasshopper , Element Get/Set parameter doesn’t seem to work…but managing to manipulate these parameters would be awesome …

Hi Romi,

There is access to these in the Revit API but would need a number of components to make even a basic workflow in RiR.

Add a schedulable Field, which will depend on the ScheduleDefinition.GetScheduableFields (this always change per they categories selected)

Create a Filter that accesses a particular field (Wall Height Parameter for example) using one of the constructors.

Adding a Filter to the Definition

Sorting is very key here as well.

Arf , would be great to have these native components as dynamo does one day… unfortunately i’m not a python user … but thank you anyway !

I’ll add it as a feature request. Like I mentioned, its possible but will take a LOT of new components to achieve natively.

Waitin’ for it so !Thank you for your time !