Scale1d procedure and values for 200%

scale 1D at times just doesnt do what I expect.
draw a 1cm square rectangle, lets enlarge it northwards 200%,
click lower left corner, then click the upper left corner to tell rhino what side is being scaled, type 2 hit enter get a rectangle 0.2 of its height.
try again, type 200 and its massive.
try again and type 20 and now its 2 x its height.

try this, click lower left then type 2 and hit enter and its 2x its length but slewing around as it doesnt know the direction or side that is being scaled up.

I also often need to say this is origin of scaling ‘A’, select the other end of the item ‘B’ and drag that location to its new target but the scaling lags behind, I click on the destination but the selected part ‘B’ doesnt end up there.


Hi @Steve1,

If you select an origin and a start point and then type in a value, you are typing a dimension in the units of the template. What you get depends on the template you are using. If your template units are millimeters, typing 2 means 2 mm or 0.2cm and that will be where your destination point lies.

If on the other hand you select an origin point and then type the number 2 before selecting a start point you are entering a scaling factor and you will double the size of the object in the direction indicated by the start point. Note that the start point can be any point in the required direction, not necessarily the other end of the rectangle.


Hi Steve, you can also draw a line to the desired length, then scale it to that line. —-Mark

Jeremy, aha, must remember that, click type, click.

If I want to extend lets say a solid rectangle shape to a new length a few mm further on, I select the corner, then the other corner of the same edge and drag to the new point, sometimes this works sometimes it goes peculiar, if I check in perspective view where my clicks are I see I had not the same edge, what way is there to ensure same edge (a planar selection) has been made ?



Hi @Steve1,

I would make sure SmartTrack is turned off unless you explicitly need it. Grid Snap too. I tend to turn off as many of the Osnap categories as I can as well: that way you are limiting the possibilities for Rhino to snap onto something other than you intend.

Also remember that you can lock a movement direction with the Tab key.

And as Mark suggests, you can add a temporary construction line to snap to.
