Save display modes in Rhino file

We have discussed it, but haven’t implemented anything yet.

I just hope that you guys are aware that for some of us things like this are a big problem.

Every time I have to re visit an old project I am really afraid to open it, because there is a big chance that the old layouts are messed up completely.
This is for the most part due to the inability of Rhino to keep existing details in a layout clean from newly added objects / layers but also partly because we created new display modes to give the detail a certain, project specific look.

Of course you can argue that in such a case each modified display mode has to be manually exported by the user and has to be stored securely together with the 3dm. file, but unfortunately this is often forgotten and generally makes everything even more complex then it already is.

So if I remember the discussion correctly, one of the main reasons for not having custom file incorporated display modes was the fear of accumulating too many display modes?

Maybe there could be a kind of slash screen when opening a file with integrated display modes that would prompt the user to:

a) discard them or
b) adopt them.

For me personally, Rhinos lack of ability to reproduce a file with layout pages after a longer period of time is a huge problem, especially when it comes to complex projects.


We understand this is a big problem and it has been recorded in our feature request list several times. I would rather not give any promises about some plan for some feature in the future until we’ve actually done something.

I completely understand, but are you at least planning to implement it or test it in the near future (6month - 1year)?

Of course I am not a programmer, but since it seems to be “only” a bunch of parameters linked to their custom display mode, I seems rather easy to implement in comparison to other more complicated requests (I might be wrong here of course…)

Saving new data in files should never be taken as an easy task. Forward and backward compatibility need to be accounted for.

This will not be added to Rhino 8 if that is what you need to know. Where we end up with for Rhino 9 I can’t predict right now.

Ok, I guess it is what it is then… let´s hope for the best.
Thanks for your feedback however.